
June 28, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #246

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this week's New Yorker cartoon.

Anti Cap 246 electric chair in board room.jpg

For last week's winner go here.

NOTE:Even in the face of persistent ridicule and chronic laziness, I have been uploading (and judging) the Caption Cartoon for several months. I have done this without serious incident.or meaningful reward. Now, it seems, there's some technical glitch. Let's not panic. I do not know who is at fault (although it's certainly not me!) but here's the deal: When I went to the site that enables me to upload the Anti-Cap Contest, I got this snotty little message: "Access denied for user." As you might imagine, I'm like, "Excuse me?" This SNAFU comes on the heels of complaints that last week's contest stopped accepting entries after 115.. At first, I gave it no mind, but now it's taken a serious turn as I am unable to post this week's cartoon .So, until we get this figured out I am putting the latest cartoon on my blog. Use the comments section to post your captions, I have not yet selected last week's winner, I went to a BBQ and there was a fireworks display in the park near our house so I'll have to get back to you.. (Happy Birthday America!!) -alinla

June 21, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #245

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this week's New Yorker cartoon.
anti cap 245 sailboat wreck tea cup.jpg

Wipe that damn smirk off your face. The voluminous ejaculate from your improbably large penis to which I'm clinging for dear life is contaminating a perfectly good cup of coffee. -- Eric G

The fear was that they stood to lose their lives to the storm. The irony was that it would be the gastric acids of an 8-year old that would take them screaming to their deaths in a sea of bile. -- Glenn

The Franklin Mint proudly offers this priceless teacup commemorating of the near drowning of Simon LeBon for three low payments of 17.99 + S&H. -- boneguy .

"Gesundheit.-- Deja vu

For additional Honorable Mentions and a Judge's Comment for each winner go here.

June 18, 2010

Live from L.A.: No Assembly Desired

al in la

Lakers Win TV image.JPG

Move along folks, there's nothing to see here! In L.A, even small public gatherings are viewed with suspiction. Less than 10 minutes after the local basketball team won the NBA championship, the cops outside the Staples Center decided there had been enought celebration. When Labron leads the Knicks to a championship next year, no such concerns will surface.

June 14, 2010

Bonus Anti-Cap Contest!

al in la

anti cap chasing guy in office.jpg

ORIGINAL ANTI-CAP WINNER As selected by D. Radosh 4/16/06
No! He's being strangled by his own necktie and those men are trying to help him! Jesus, you're negative and morbid and possibly psycho." �simsburybear

UP-DATED ANTI-CAP WINNER As selected by al in la 6/21/10
"Between you and me? Sam didn't really rape a blind 10-year old girl and than leave her to die in a garbage dump. I just sent that email to liven things up around here." --SADD

June 7, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #244

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon.
Anti cap 244 aligator on back in office.jpg

"I think now she's right about here. Sorry about bringing him in on 'Take Your Daughter to Work Day'."-- LV

"Don't be naive, Barbara."--Mike Mariano

"He ate the dog that ate my winning lottery ticket."--dwilk

For additional Honorable Mentions and a Judge's Comment for each winner, go here.

May 31, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #243

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon.

anti cap 243 phone exploded in bedroom.jpg

Seems like lately the terrorists are just phoning it in.-- JohnnyB

"Fucking Talibanmarketers."-- Wile E. Chipotle

See? Phone blows up, dry sheets on my side. You see a spider, and we have to get a new mattress." --Damon

For additional Honorable Mentions and a judge's comment for each winner go here.

May 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Bob!!

al in la


As we celebrate Bob Dylan's 69th birthday, we are reminded there are many things we don;t know about this enduring, yet mysterious American Icon. Can you determine which of following Dylan fun facts is really true?

A) He is a third degree back belt who once studied under Chuck Norris.
B) He was originally cast to play the husband in "Roseanne" but lost the part to John Goodman because the producers "wanted someone a little chunkier.".
C) His boyhood dream was to be a publicist for a major record label..
D) He has nine grandchildren and a bumper sticker on his car that says "World's Greatest Grandpa."

For 69 Things You Didn't Know About Bob Dylan go here. Use the comments section to add your own real or imagined Bob-Fact. .

May 24, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #242

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon.
anti cap 242 biz guy surf board.jpg

For last week's winners go here


Short and pale and old and balding, the guy from KPMG goes walking And when he passes, each one he passes goes -- ugh.--Tim H

"It's right behind you."-- Rob

"I'm sorry sir, this beach is closed to people visibly haunted by their absurd and ultimately meaningless choices."-- Jared S

."Shut up, Bob, everyone knows your surfboard's a foamie."-- Hung Ten

For additional Honorable Mentions and a Judge's Comment for each winner go here.

May 18, 2010

Souder? I hardly even KNOW'er!

dean @ t.a.m.s.y.

Wherein soon-to-be-ex-Congressman Mark Souder (R-Ind.) is interviewed by mistress Tracy Jackson on the pertinent subject of abstinence.

I didn't make it through the whole thing (they lost me around when they start talking about not banging). Snoozefest! No wonder Rotten Tomatoes rates it just 54% fresh.

May 17, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #241

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon.
anti cap 241 shark on island.jpg

"Let him drown first. They're best eaten cold."-- dwilk

Oooo . . . gross . . . If I had known you were going to spit out the head, I wouldn't have offered him to you."-- blw

"No, Mr. Tiny-ear-hole, I absolutely did not say 'that's my chum in the water'."-- Anonymous

For Honorable Mentions and Judge's Comment on all the winners go here.

May 10, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #240

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon.

anti cap 240 human hedges.jpg

In his dotage, the Yankee Clipper found solace in his garden, while an artist's approximation of his beloved Marilyn at 75 gazed down. --Mr. Silly

"Oh, honey, art's imitating life; a Nuthatch and a Red-cockaded Woodpecker have found their way into your asshole again." --Anonymous

"Gives "gardening tool" a whole new meaning. --PG man

"A muse; yourself, Dear." -- Tits up Word Play by Spowie

For additional honorable mentions and a Judge's Comment for each winner go here.

May 3, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #239

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon.

Anti cap 238 witness in hottub.jpg

I doubted your insanity defense, but I can clearly see your nuts.--wizalt

"When you say you're 'in really hot water right now,' do you mean it in the I'm-guilty-of-murdering-my-wife sense?"-- t.a.m.s.y.

"Ok, Captain Pike, I've some questions about these shorts that we found on Talos IV... Please bulge you right eye for "yes"and your left eye for "no". Understand? Is that a maybe?"-- cta

For additional Honorale Mentions and Judge's Comments go here.

April 26, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #238

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon.

Anti Cap 338 caveman juggles fire.jpg

Ancester of W clowns around while ancestors of Cheney and Rumsfeld plot pre-emptive strike on neighbor they believe has discovered fire too. --Jim Cavanaugh .

Zorg stared and contemplated: Had it been such a wise idea to leave the hunter-gatherers to live with the sitter-jugglers? So hungry... Anonymous.

What is this, Amateur Era?--Mr. Silly

For Honorable Mentions and Judge's Comments on all the winners go here.

April 19, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #237

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon.

anti cap 237 man with bubbles.jpg

"I got so constipated it collapsed into a singularity and created a space/time anal fissure. Now every time I fart another temporal reflection of me pops out. The consensus on the Star Trek chat room is that I need a dekyon colonic." --Six of Nine

How can he be so effervescent when the housing bubble's just burst? -- JohnnyB

"Look, this is obviously one of their more mediocre efforts. So, I suggest that we just calm down, submit our usual adequate captions, and get on with our lives. OK?" -- Kathy H .

I see you've pulled another idea for a cartoon out of your ass.-- D. Remnick

For additional Honorale Mentions and Judge's Comments go here.

April 12, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #236

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon.
Anti cap 236 walrus reading book.jpg

"Get out of my chair." -- Maya Walker (my 4-year-old daughter)

"Well, Obama DID promise us chum."-- Anonymous

"You can't stay here."--Deborah

For additional Honorable Mentions, Comments and an important note from the Anti-Cap Judge go here..

April 10, 2010

Jon Stewart Confirms Anti-Cap Tendencies

al in la

April junk 006.jpg

Maybe it's the "Radosh Factor." The founder and absentee-owner of this blog, Daniel Radosh, is now a writer at The Daily Show, While his boss may or may not submit entries to the Anti-Cap contest (which was also hatched by Daniel), there was an implied endorsement.of the concept (the next best thing to an actual mention) During a recent interview with the editor of The New Yorker, Jon Stewart said that every week for the past year he has submitted the same caption: "Well, Obama DID promise change." (Sorry, the "change" got cropped out in the photo. No metaphor intended.) Even though he most assuredly was just bustin' the guy's balls, It was a great moment and I can't help but think Daniel had a hand in it. It certainly qualifies Jon Stewart as an honorary Anti-Capper. Go here to find out what it means and why you should care. --al in la

April 5, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #235

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon.
Anti cap 235 police line up ballet dancer.jpg


[In Polish]: "Sir, your new cabinet."-- reid savid

"...Again, the numbers for today's Mid-Day 5-Digit Lotto are 1-2-3-4-5." -- Kathy H


"OK, number 4. It's your turn to put on the tutu." --Richard H

For additional Honorable Mentions and Judge's Comments go here.

March 29, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #234

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon.

anti cap 234 horse made of bones.jpg

Rules & Tips

"Shit! This happens every time I park overnight in Brooklyn."-- NAMBY

"Will the owner of the stegosaurus with the tiny barrel on its back please remove it from the driveway? It's chewing on the porch post again."-- c1w

For additional Honorable Mentions and a Judge's Comment for each one go here.

March 22, 2010

The New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest #233

al in la

Submit the worst possible caption for this New Yorker cartoon.
anti-cap profits.jpg
Rules & Tips


"Did someone in here order a jug band to play a plaintive, Depression-era folk tune about downward class mobility?" --Trout Almondine

"You think you've got it bad? We're just the latest in a long line of redneck caricatures created for the sole purpose of making New Yorker readers feel culturally superior."-- clannish

"My name's Brigham Young and these are my wives. We've come to complain about the rapid and deep decline in prophets. And your spelling."-- TG Gibbon

For 2nd, 3rd & 4th place as well as all the many Honorable Mentions and a comment for each one go here.

March 16, 2010

I've Got a "Siamese Twins" Comment Just Waiting for the Right Photo

Jesse Lansner

thailand.jpg Pouring blood on the streets is a novel idea, but we all know the only way to really get the world to take notice is with protest babes. And if this is the best the Thai protesters can come up with, I might have to side with the junta. As always, send better photos if you find them.

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